Four Lakewood Yacht Club members were first place finishers in the 16th Annual Bay Cup I Regatta, which LYC hosted in cooperation with Bay Access.
This year’s regatta had 42 registered boats. Racers dealt with choppy, windy and rainy conditions on Trinity Bay throughout the duration of the March 4 race, but nine Lakewood members managed top-four finishes among the five race classes.
The 2017 Bay Cup I Regatta first-place winners include Houston Yacht Club member Ken Humphries in the PHRF Spin – (Non-Sprit) and LYC members Carl Drechsel in the Cruising Non-Spin Classic Canvas, Gerhard Wittich in the Cruising Poleless Spin, Ash Walker in the PHRF Non-Spin and Uzi Ozeri in the PHRF Spin – Sprit.
Complete race results can be found on the website,
A celebratory dinner, party and awards ceremony followed the race in the LYC ballroom. Sailors, spectators and guests enjoyed camaraderie over dinner and drinks and tuned in to live entertainment by Kelly McGuire, an award-winning singer and songwriter.
Interested racers should begin preparing for Bay Cup II, the second of this two race series. Overall trophies will be presented at the conclusion of that regatta Aug. 5.
“Many thanks to the land volunteers, on-the-water volunteers, scorers, protest committee and Lakewood staff for your efforts in planning and executing all of the activities for the Bay Cup I Regatta,” said Bay Cup I Race Chairman Larry Rogers. “We had another great day on the water, and the sailors enjoyed the festivities on land as well.”
The LYC Race Committee said it also would like to acknowledge the generous sponsors that helped make this a great long-distance sailing event including the City of Seabrook, George Ocean Rum, Bay Access, Little Yacht Sales, OJ’s Marin, True North Marine, Blackburn Marine, Alliant Marine & Energy Insurance and Davis Marine.
Sailboat classes eligible to compete in this series include PHRF Spinnaker, PHRF Non-Spin, PHRF under 30 feet, Cruising Poleless Spin, Cruising Non-Spin-Classic Canvas (i.e. Dacron sails), Shorthanded Offshore Sailors, Multihull and One Design Classes.
For further information about Bay Cup II, contact LYC at 281-474-2511 or Larry Rogers, Bay Cup I Regatta chairman, at 832-228-7052 or