Gala brings in $100,000

Assistance League members Lisa Holbrook, Vicki Tallman and Kathleen Courville, from left, wear big smiles after being presented A.B.C.D. Awards at their May luncheon at Bay Oaks Country Club in Clear Lake for their hard work.

Assistance League members Lisa Holbrook, Vicki Tallman and Kathleen Courville, from left, wear big smiles after being presented A.B.C.D. Awards at their May luncheon at Bay Oaks Country Club in Clear Lake for their hard work.

You can bet Assistance League Gala Chairman Kathleen Courville and Co-Chaiman Dee Cover  exchanged some high fives when they totaled up the take from their 2014 fundraiser – more than $100,000!

However, they will be quick to tell you that they had lots and lots of help from the entire membership and look forward to seeing their efforts help clothe needy Bay Area school children.

The news was a highlight of the league’s annual installation luncheon May 19 at Bay Oaks Country Club in Clear Lake when Brunella Altemus was installed as president and Peggy Clause as president-elect. Other new officers installed were Vice Presidents Ann Marie Doolin, Sarah Foulds, Courtney Atchley and Gail Ashby; Secretary Ginger Darnell and Treasurer Marie Keener.

Rikie Bowker will serve as Assisteens coordinator with Barbara Weitenhagen as education chairman, Ronda Wegman as marketing chairman and Dee Cover, as strategic planning chairman.

Kathleen Courville, Vicki Tallman and Lisa Holbrook were named winners of the A.B.C.D. Award while Sandra Sellers won the Sue Holstein Award and Lisa Holbrook was the recipient of the Sue Brady Award.

Silver Tea Chairman Jill Reason, left, and Co-Chairman Jana Miller welcome guests to the tea.

Silver Tea Chairman Jill Reason, left, and Co-Chairman Jana Miller welcome guests to the tea.

Pat Biddle honored at 2014 Silver Tea

This year’s honoree at the Bay Area Museum Guild’s Silver Tea was the community’s non-stop volunteer Pat Biddle, who is always there to lend a hand to various organizations, including the Guild, which she serves as first vice president and hospitality committee chairman this year.

Chairman Jill Reason and Co-Chairman Jana Miller were on hand to greet Pat when she arrived with her husband, Ron Karl, and the hundreds of others who dropped by that afternoon, including members of the Lunar Rendezvous royal court and their parents.

A special guest was former resident and popular volunteer Sara Stewart, who came down from Houston with her daughter, Shari.  Later that week, Sara fell and broke her hip, but is now doing well and should be up and about soon.

Houston Symphony League Bay Area President Jim Moore goes over plans for the May luncheon program at Lakewood Yacht Club with President-elect Mary Voigt.

Houston Symphony League Bay Area President Jim Moore goes over plans for the May luncheon program at Lakewood Yacht Club with President-elect Mary Voigt.

Symphony League taps Jim Moore

For the first time in its 38-year history, a man has been elected president of the Houston Symphony League Bay Area.
He is Jim Moore, who served as president-elect this past year, and is one of several men who have joined the league in recent years. He was installed May 14 at the league’s annual installation luncheon at Lakewood Yacht Club along with President-elect Mary Voigt.

Other officers are Vice Presidents Mary McCormick, Pat Biddle, Nina McGlashan and Patience Myers; Recording Secretary Frances Nussbaum and Historian Bill Powell.

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