Houston City Councilman Dave Martin would like to make residents aware that the City of Public Works Department is replacing the air release valve vent pipe and manhole ring, frame and cover on the 42-inch water line at 15600 Old Galveston Road, beginning Monday, Aug. 27. The project is anticipated to be completed by Tuesday, September 11, 2018.
During construction, the outside southbound lane of the 15600 block of Old Galveston Road will be closed from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Drivers should expect reduced traffic speed through the channelized area during this time. To ensure driver and worker safety, traffic control measures will be in place at all times. The District E office has contacted the Houston Police Department’s Clear Lake Substation to ask that officers monitor the location and provide assistance with traffic control as needed.
For more information, contact the District E Office by emailing districte@houstontx.gov or by calling 832-393-3008.