Lynette Mason Gregg tribute planned

2-1 Lynette Mason GreggThe Bay Area Houston Ballet & Theatre will pay tribute to its founder, Lynette Mason Gregg, with a retrospective performance of dance on Saturday, Feb. 28, and Sunday, March 1, at the University of Houston – Clear Lake’s Bayou Theatre.

A wide variety of favorite pieces from BAHBT’s history will be presented, as well as new pieces choreographed in Mason Gregg’s honor. The new works will represent how Mason Gregg changed the face of the arts in the Bay Area and touched so many dancers’ lives.

Performances are planned at 2 and 7 p.m. Saturday and at 2 p.m. Sunday.

From a Swan Lake classical ballet excerpt to contemporary numbers, some energetic tapping and even a musical number from Hairspray, “Take Time to Dance,” will both touch your heart and make you smile in its telling of the story of Mason Gregg and BAHBT through dance.

Mason Gregg passed away on Oct. 24, 2014. Her life’s work and passion were the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and the Bay Area Houston Ballet & Theatre, founded in 1972 and 1975, respectively, with a desire to establish a professional training facility for aspiring dancers and to enrich the overall atmosphere of the community. She devoted her life to these two organizations, training and inspiring young dancers, now three generations strong.

The sky was the limit with Mason Gregg; she knew that if you could dream it, you could achieve it. Her favorite quote was “Never, ever, ever, give up.” She was passionate about the arts and inspiring young artists. Mason Gregg was a visionary who did nothing in moderation.

She produced 39 seasons and hundreds of ballets for BAHBT and brought in dancers from all over the world to Bay Area Houston as guest artists. She also trained thousands of dancers who now share their love of the arts both on and off the stage throughout the U.S .and in Europe.

Tickets for this eclectic performance are $25 and $35. And may be reserved on the website or by calling 281-480-1617. An Encore! cocktail reception will immediately follow Saturday evening’s performance. Tickets for this event and the Saturday evening show may be purchased for $75.

A scholarship that has been established in her name and those who would like to make a donation to BAHBT in memory of Mason Gregg to support the organization may do so by contacting BAHBT at or 281-480-1617.

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