Movers & Shakers: Frank L. Law

Name: Frank L. Law

Occupation: Executive Bank Office President and Bank Director

Hometown: Waco, Texas

Current home: Clear Lake

Family: Wife, Judy, married 47 years; sons: Erik, Steven and Justin and two grandchildren

My favorite writer is: Clive Erik Cussler

Someone I’d like to meet: Morgan Freeman

If I could switch places with someone for just one day, I’d choose: Donald Trump or POTUS

My favorite performers are: Bryan Adams, and Maroon Five with Adam Levine

I like to spend my leisure time: Fishing in Costa Rica

If I could travel any place, I’d go to: Himalayas

My favorite meal is: Medium rare steak and lobster

As a youngster, I wanted to grow up to be: A fireman

You’ll never catch me: Golfing

The thing that bugs me the most is: Silly governmental regulations

My favorite movie is: Pretty Woman

Few people know: I’m fascinated by ancient Egyptian history

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