Movers & Shakers: Jill Reason

Name: Jill Reason

Occupation: Executive director Bay Area Houston Ballet & Theatre; Am also president of Clear Lake Panhellenic, Lunar Rendezvous Advisory Board chairman and Clear Creek Education Foundation chairman- elect

Hometown: Gainesville, Ga.

Current home: League City

Family: Husband Dan Reason, Children: Dalton (23) Ashton (21), Sydney and Savannah (19)

My favorite writer is: Ronda Rich, Lewis Grizzard
Someone I’d like to meet: Ellen Degeneres or Oprah (Maybe both at the same time)

If I could switch places with someone for just one day, I’d choose: Donald Trump…it said for ONE day!

My favorite performers are: Garth Brooks, Luke Bryan

I like to spend my leisure time: If I had leisure time, I’d love to be on a beach with my family

If I could travel any place, I’d go to: Bora Bora

My favorite meal is: Grilled salmon

As a youngster, I wanted to grow up to be: Happy and busy — Oh, and a brain surgeon and the winner of a grand slam tennis tournament

You’ll never catch me: Sitting still

The thing that bugs me the most is: People who don’t choose happiness

My favorite movie is: Gone with the Wind

Few people know: That I have a shoe closet and I LOVE photography!!

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