TAACCL Accepting Portfolio Submissions for Invitational Photography Exhibit

The Arts Alliance Center at Clear Lake (TAACCL) currently is accepting portfolio submissions of photographic work for its upcoming show, Fresh from the Bay—Invitational Photography Exhibition. Scheduled for March 22 to April 5, this show will feature works of any subjects that employ either traditional or non-traditional photographic techniques.

Longstanding photographers with extensive backgrounds and portfolios, relative newcomers and student artists with a few strong works and even works that previously have been shown are welcome for review. Photographers can submit from three to 20 jpg files of their work by 5 p.m. on Friday, February 17, either by emailing files to Debra Kendrick, TAACCL curator, at dkendrick@taaccl.org or mailing a CD with jpg images to Debra Kendrick, TAACCL, 2000 NASA Parkway, Nassau Bay, Texas 77059. Questions can be directed to Kendrick via email or by calling 281-335-7777.

The Arts Alliance Center at Clear Lake is a non-profit organization that presents, enriches and promotes the visual, literary and performing landscape in Houston’s Bay Area. By engaging more than 50 non-profit arts organizations, including educational institutions, dance and drama theater, guilds of basket weavers and quilters, writers’ leagues, choral groups, musicians, photographers and artists using many different media, TAACCL brings the arts together. For more information, visit www.taaccl.org or call 281-335-7777.

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