3600 Bay Area Blvd. repairs slated

April 28th, 2017

Panel replacements are scheduled to begin along Bay Area Boulevard on Monday, May 1. The scope of work includes removal and replacement of a sections of roadway along the 3600 block of Bay Area Boulevard in the southbound lanes. Construction is anticipated to be complete by the end of May 2017.

The City of Houston’s Public Works and Engineering Department is scheduled to start repairs on the outer curb lane first and then move to the inner esplanade lane. While both lanes in the southbound lane will be replaced, one lane will remain open at all times to maintain the flow of traffic. Although, construction activities behind closed areas may occur from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., construction equipment movement in the driving lanes will be limited between the hours of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m in an effort to reduce as much traffic buildup as possible.

During the project drivers, reduced speed in the construction area should be expected. However, there will be access to business at all times. To ensure driver and worker safety, traffic control measures including signage and an arrow board will be in place at all times. The District E office has also contacted the Houston Police Department’s Clear Lake substation to ask that officers can monitor the location and provide assistance with traffic control as needed.

For more information on the upcoming repairs on Bay Area Boulevard,  contact Councilman Dave Martin’s office at 832-393-3008 or via email at districte@houstontx.gov.
Bay Area Houston Magazine