Dr. Staples for UHCL
Name: William A. (Bill) Staples
Occupation: President, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Hometown: Fort Madison, Iowa
Current home: Clear Lake
Family: Darlene, my wife; and Haley, our daughter
My favorite writer is: Jim Collins
Someone I’d like to meet: Arnold Palmer
If I could switch places with someone for just one day, I’d choose: Warren Buffett
My favorite performers are: George Strait and Jack Nicholson
I like to spend my leisure time: Playing golf and traveling
If I could travel any place, I’d go to: Australia
My favorite meal is: Pork chops
As a youngster, I wanted to grow up to be: A cowboy
You’ll never catch me: Running a marathon
The thing that bugs me the most is: People being mean to other people
My favorite movie is: The Shawshank Redemption
Few people know: I used to umpire baseball