Former Houston mayor succumbs
Bob Lanier, who served three terms – from 1991 to 1997 — as Houston’s mayor, died Saturday, Dec. 20, at the age of 89.
One of the Bayou City’s most popular officials, Lanier, affectionately known as “Mayor Bob,” averaged 88 percent of the vote in his re-election races with strong support from each political party and ethnic group.
The son of working class parents in Baytown, Lanier attended New Mexico University and the University of Texas Law School before joining the Baker & Botts law firm. Following a decade practicing law, he became a major real estate developer and served as chairman of the Texas Highway Commission and the Houston Metropolitan Transit Authority.
Youth given life in satanic slaying
Jose Reyes has been found guilty of capital murder in the brutal satanic Feb. 4 slaying of 15-year-old Corrainn Cervantes in an empty Bays Apartments unit overlooking the Kroger store on El Camino Real in Clear Lake.
Reyes, 18, was sentenced to life in prison and will not be eligible for parole for 40 years. He was not eligible for the death penalty because of his age. He and 16-year-old Victor Alas are accused of brutally stabbing, beating and strangling the young girl. The case against Alas is expected to be tried soon.
Investigators said the teenagers went to the vacant apartment to have consensual sex, and killed the girl in order to sell their souls to the devil. All three had attended Clear Lake High and Clear Path Alternative School.

Koch Pipeline Co. and Flint Hills Resources presented a $3,500 check to the Seabrook Volunteer Fire Department Dec. 17 as part of its Helping Heroes program. Taking part in the presentation were, from left, Greg Garrison and James Rhame of Flint Hills Resources; Lt. Nicole Laster and Assistant Chief Andy Castiglione of the Seabrook Volunteer Fire Department; Michael Fritschen of the Koch Pipeline Co., and Richard Wood and Steve Meek, both from Flint Hills Resources.
Seabrook firemen given $3,500 grant
Koch Pipeline Co. and Flint Hills Resources presented a $3,500 check to the Seabrook Volunteer Fire Department Dec. 17 as part of its Helping Heroes program.
Flint Hills and Koch Pipeline, both subsidiaries of Koch Industries, began the Helping Heroes program in 2012 to honor local fire departments and emergency responders and to help with their training, education, equipment, and emergency notification needs. The two companies have awarded nearly $340,000 in local grants since then, including $137,000 this year to 30 fire departments across 17 Texas counties.
“Koch Pipeline Company salutes the extraordinary men and women of the Seabrook Volunteer Fire Department who put themselves in harm’s way to help others at a moment’s notice,” said Larry Van Horn, vice president of operations for Koch Pipeline.
“Through this donation for safety equipment and training, we are pleased to provide the Seabrook Volunteer Fire Department with resources that help keep our community safe,” said Flint Hills Resources Plant Manager James Rhame of the Houston Chemical Plant.
Trish Hanks is re-elected
Friendswood ISD Superintendent Trish Hanks has been elected to a third consecutive term of office as president of the Texas Academic Decathlon Board. The Decathlon is the premier academic competition for high school students in Texas.
Each year the organization gives $150,000 in scholarship money to winning students. In the Texas Academic Decathlon, more than 7,000 students from all academic levels across the state compete in Academic Decathlon. The organization also sponsors Octathlon for ninth and tenth grade students and Pentathlon for junior high levels as well as the Lone Star Challenge for fourth through sixth grade students.
Pete Olson has new address
Congressman Pete Olson (R-TX) has moved his office from the Cannon House Office Building to a new location: 2133 Rayburn House Office Building.
His new address is: Congressman Pete Olson (TX-22), 2133 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515
UHCL opens registration
The University of Houston-Clear Lake invites new and returning students to register for classes for the 2015 spring semester during online open registration through Jan. 16, with late registration from Jan. 17–27. The school will be closed Dec. 24-Jan 2 for the holidays.
Those still needing to apply must do so before Jan. 20 to be considered for admission. To apply, visit or call the Office of Admissions at 281-283-2500. For course schedules or to register for classes by visiting
Time to register for SJC classes
The time to register for spring semester classes at San Jacinto College is fast approaching.
Classes start Jan. 20 but the registration payment deadline is Thursday, Jan. 8. Registration remains open for the Spring 2015 semester after the payment deadline, but all financial obligations incurred after the payment deadline not covered by financial aid, installment payment plan, third party agreement, or scholarship, must be paid on the day of registration.
Students who need financial assistance, or help with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), should contact a San Jacinto College financial aid specialist. Financial aid information is also available online at The San Jacinto College FAFSA Code is 003609.
Educational planners are available on all three San Jacinto College campuses to help students select courses that will easily transfer to a four-year college or university, or get them the skills they need to enter the workforce upon graduation. To apply to San Jacinto College, visit Spring 2015 courses can be found at